Master Study line in FBM

This integrated study line in Fermentation Based Biomanufacturing was developed towards industry demands: Fermentation experts are needed who have a combined education providing biotechnological competences such as molecular biology, microbiology, and cell factory engineering, and competences in process engineering, such as bioreactor design, unit operations, and dimensioning, including mathematical modeling.

Traditionally, this is taught separately, the biotic part within the biotechnology education, the abiotic part within the chemical engineering education.
However, for becoming a fermentation expert, understanding of both, the biotic and abiotic part of the process, is required.

The Fermentation Based Biomanufacturing Master study line provides the opportunity to specialize in biomanufacturing within the MSc Biotechnology (Biotech) or the MSc Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (CBE). It offers a unifying structure to support the specialization and provides close contact and interaction with the industry already during the studies. 

overview and details

Several new courses have been developed to form the backbone of the FBM Master study line. These are mandatory for all students. The study program also contains an additional set of mandatory courses specific for each Master program (Biotech or CBE), electives, and the Thesis.


Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom

Associate Professor

DTU Chemical Engineering
+45 45 25 28 01

Head of Studies MSc. Biotechnology

Mogens Kilstrup
Associate Professor

DTU Bioengineering
+45 45 25 25 28

project course

The FBM industrial practice (10-15 ECTS) is a particular element in the FBM Master study line, which aims to provide on-site experiences in an industrial environment, to prepare the students for future careers in the FBM industry.

Read more about the FBM Industrial Practice here.